Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Significance of Dreams in of Mice and Men - 839 Words

The Significance of Dreams in Of Mice and Men A major motif of John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men is the American dream and the drive to attain it. The life of a ranch hand is grim, yet the characters in the novel are still vulnerable to dreams of a better life. The dream of owning land, called the American dream by some, is what motivates George and Lennie in their work on the ranch. It is their friendship that sustains this dream and makes it possible. While the dreams are credible to the reader, in the end all dreams are crushed, and the characters are defeated by their circumstances. The characters in Of Mice and Men have very little to look forward to as migrant ranch hands. They travel from ranch to ranch with all of†¦show more content†¦However, George needs Lennie just as much as Lennie needs him, which is apparent at the end of the novel. When George kills Lennie, he also kills the friendship, which results in the death of the dream within himself. Friendship is an underlying factor in the dreams of others, as well. Candy and Crooks befriend George and Lennie when they learn of the possibility of owning land. They share the same dream as the two new workers, a dream that would have seemed impossible before the friendship began. Throughout the novel, Steinbeck offers clues that lead the reader to believe that the dream will be fulfilled. Candy and Crook s interest in George and Lennie s dream is the main factor that causes the reader to believe that these two newcomers might actually succeed. Candy believes in the dream to the extent that he offers three hundred dollars that are needed to buy the land. Crooks, the Negro stable buck, adds to the effect. At first he is skeptical of George and Lennie s plan: Ever body wants a little piece of lan ... Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. It s just in their head (Steinbeck 74). However, when he learns of Candy s offer to contribute almost all of the money needed for the land, he wants to join them. Candy and Crook s desire to join George and Lennie is an important factor in interrupting the pattern of inevitablity and causing the reader to think that these characters mightShow MoreRelated John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay976 Words   |  4 P agesJohn Steinbecks â€Å"Of mice and men† Of Mice and Men is set along the Salinas River a few miles south of Soledad in the fallen world of the Salinas Valley, which Steinbeck places east of Eden the Promised Land is only a painful and illusory dream. This land is populated by sons of Cain, men doomed to walk alone. One of the major themes that comes from this is loneliness, or fear of apartness. 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